We are so excited that you have decided to join us for one of our fall Connect Groups.Payment will be required to reserve your spot as space is limited in each study. Your payment will cover all of your class materials. Our fall studies start the first week of October and run for 7 weeks!
Hope for the Hurting
Bible Study Leader
Jessie Morgan
Tony Evans
Everyone’s story comes with unique challenges, difficulties, bumps, and bruises that can leave you lost and drowning in their wake. It could be a financial disaster, a health issue, a broken relationship, or the loss of a loved one.
Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation….” He did not say we might have troubles and difficulties, but we will. God’s Word doesn’t promise us a life free from pain and trouble. It promises us something else-Someone else. Someone who will walk with us through all of life’s trials and troubles. This study offers the opportunity to learn how to walk through hurt with peace and joy. To allow the One who can help us, heal us, comfort us, guide us through all of life circumstances.
$30.00 (includes book and workbook)
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm (starting 10/3)
7 weeks
The Feed Store Church - Courtyard
Mom’s Connect - Mom Set Free
Bible Study Leader
Shalee Sharpe
Jeannie Cunnion
As moms, we’re under constant pressure. We have to get it right in all areas of life—work, home, family, and faith—because our children’s futures hinge on our ability to perfectly orchestrate the present.
But those impossible standards leave us oscillating between worry, fear, anger, and shame. They threaten to steal all the wonder from parenting, life, and our personal relationship with God. In this 7-session study, discover how the gospel message can empower you to parent in the freedom of God’s sovereignty. So that you can breathe deeper, walk lighter, and enjoy your children—and the parenting journey—more than ever before.
Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm (starting 10/1)
7 Weeks
The Feed Store Church - First Modular
Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table
Bible Study Leader
DeeAnn Sierra
Louie Giglio
We’ve all been in circumstances that cause our minds to spin with thoughts that are unproductive, destructive, and harmful. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and wonder why we keep falling into the same thought patterns. We need to recognize these thoughts are not from God but from an enemy lurking who wants to seize every opportunity to lie his way into our minds.
Rooted in the timeless truth of Psalm 23, this study offers biblical guidance on how to win the battle of your mind. You don’t have to let negative thoughts control your life. You don’t have to allow the enemy to influence your thinking. You have power through Jesus Christ to take control of your thoughts and emotions. Jesus invites you to a table that He has prepared for you. A table where the enemy is not invited.
Mondays @ 6:30 pm (starting 9/30)
7 weeks
The Feed Store Church - Courtyard
How to Eat an Elephant
Bible Study Leader
Melissa Smit
We all know the importance of studying the Bible, but let’s be honest…..the Bible can be overwhelming at times—kind of like eating an elephant. It is hard to know where to start. Even when we do attempt to read the Bible, it can be tough to understand and difficult to find directions for our lives.
In this class, we will engage in thoughtful study of the Scriptures, learning the “how to’s” of biblical study. We will cover effective study methods, the use of Bible study resources, understanding the big picture, and how to arrive at an accurate interpretation. This is a great study for anyone with the desire to grow in relationship with Jesus through the study of His Word. So, if you are hungry to be transformed through God’s Word, then join us as we take one bite at a time.
Mondays @ 6:30 pm (starting 9/30)
7 weeks
The Feed Store Church - Third Modular
Who are you Following?
Bible Study Leader
Lindsay Getz
Sadie Robertson Huff
Pursuing Jesus in a Social Media Obsessed World
Social media is great for keeping up with family, friends, and favorite influencers online. But if we’re not careful, we can get caught trying to become who we follow on social media rather than following Jesus to become more like him. We can start trusting the voices of people we’ve never met over the One voice who knows and loves us most.
This study is designed to answer the tough questions and remind us of whose glory we’re living for. Together, we will learn how to face our mistakes with a divine perspective and discover where our true fulfillment is found in Jesus. This will challenge us to consider who we follow and how we are influenced. What would it look like if we were led by God’s love instead of by strangers’ likes?
Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm (starting 10/2)
7 weeks
The Feed Store Church - First Modular
Leadership - The First Follower
Bible Study Leader
Cindy Morgan
In the gospels, one of the first things Jesus said to His disciples was, “Follow Me, and I will Make You….” I am sure the disciples had no idea when they said yes to follow Jesus the significant role of leadership they would later have in life and history.
When we truly discover who God has created us to be, we will never want to be anyone else. This study will address every believer's leadership role and inspire them to serve and lead the people around them. The leadership role the Lord puts in our lives empowers us to become more effective for His purpose. Every one of us is leading someone in life. Our leadership will always be influenced by who we are following. If we are not first followers of Christ, then those we lead will be led astray.
Matt 5:13-16 Message translation. “Let me tell you why you are here. You are here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness & will end up in the garbage. (14) Here's another way to put it: You’re here to be a light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I am going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, SHINE! Keep an open house, be generous with your lives; by opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up to God, this generous Father in heaven.”
Only as we follow Jesus’ model will we become empowered to be salt and light. That kind of leadership only happens as we become the first follower. He is the one true leader.
The most important decision in life is deciding who you are going to follow!!
Join me for this seven-week study: Let’s get salty, let's get lit!
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm (starting 10/3)
7 weeks
The Feed Store Church - First Modular
Know Your Place
Bible Study Leader
Shelby Honeycutt
What does true success look like? Where do our desires to achieve come from? How do we find contentment in an achievement-obsessed world? How do we overcome the expectations or doubts thrown by ourselves or others? We could be doing everything we know to do and be who we are created to be but still feel unfulfilled and insignificant. It doesn't matter what we achieve or accomplish; it isn't enough. The world is all about performance, but its pursuit often leaves us discontented. Maybe God has forgotten us, or we missed what He has for us because we haven't seen it yet. And let's be honest...this is different from what we thought our lives would look like today. With the day-to-day mundane tasks, it can be easy to be discouraged when we don't have the platform and influence of those around us. Maybe we even feel that our purpose has been reduced and misplaced.
In this study, we will take a deep dive into who God created us to be and where He has placed us. When we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, we will ALWAYS be doing what we are supposed to do. Join me as we discover what purpose, success, achievement, dreams, passions, and desires look like from a biblical perspective.
Mondays @ 6:30 pm (starting 9/30)
7 weeks
The Feed Store Church - First Modular